Thursday 14 June 2012

Ricoh GR1v on Home Turf - Part 5 (14/06/2012)

I did something the other night that I've never done before...!
Erm, I don't know what you were thinking but I developed film on a school night (well, work night!). I developed the two rolls of HP5 Plus shot at ISO3200 which I had left over from Japan. I spend most of last night scanning one of the rolls. You'll start seeing them in the next post.

But for now enjoy the last batch of the ones shot at ISO1600. Shot in Sakai City, Osaka, Japan. Oh, and no Ricoh GR1 owner's trip to Japan is complete without a cat photo, Moriyama style.


  1. Nice work. I like the simple calmness of the two old ladies in the garden. (although your cat is not quite distrubing enough for Moriyama. LOL sorry)

    I am very impressed with the quality and grain of your images. I presume you have a certain amount of control in post processing after scanning. ie. to up the contrast etc?

    My first attempt film photography has been rather disappointing. But I loaded up more film and will keep trying. I need to learn more about different film types and manufacturers.

    1. Thanks again Bill. This cat was a bit of a slut (excuse my French!) She seemed to love being stroked a bit too much.
      Regarding the grain, it all depends on your film and developer. What film have you tried? I find HP5, Tri-X and Neopan 1600 (goodluck trying to find that) have the finest grain. I also sharpen my images a tad in post, and up the clarity and contrast in some images by 20% at most. On some shots, however I only do a bit of sharpening.
