Saturday 24 November 2012

London on film - Kodak Portra 400 @ ISO800 (24/11/2012)

Here are some more photos shot on Portra. It's a great film and so versatile it looks good with flash or without, shade, 1/15s exposures... You name it, it does it.
It's almost like an auto exposure algorithm in the chemical format of film.

Love that stuff... Too bad it's so expensive. I don't know what's happening with Kodak's film division but I sincerely hope they don't stop producing film or reducing their portfolio.

All shots taken on the Ricoh GR1v + Kodak Portra 400 shot at ISO 800. As always, click on the images to view a larger version:


  1. Three great street shots. I had to look twice on the first one to notice the difference in flags. The second one of the two chess players, the reactions on their faces.

  2. I like how you get eye contact on your shots. You are braver than I! :)

  3. Bill... I think I am drunker than you...
