Tuesday 4 February 2014

London on Film - Agfa Vista Plus 400 (04/02/2014)

It's been a while since I posted some film photos. To be honest, I don't often shoot film any more. The reason is that now that I have a Ricoh GR, I don't really use the Ricoh GR1v...

But anyway, I still have tons of film to process and scan. I've also got loads of decent film photos uploaded and ready to post.

Here are a few shots around London shot on the relatively budget Agfa Vista Plus 400. It's really a great film and I find the colours and grain to be as good as Fuji Superia 400. In fact I prefer the more subdued colours of the Agfa over the slightly over saturated ones of the Fuji. What do you think?

All photos shot on the Rigoh GR1v:

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