Tuesday 10 January 2012

Yayoi Kusama @ Cenre Pompidou

As you all know I was in Paris over the Xmas period. During this time I had the opportunity to visit many museums and in particular my favourite modern art museum in Paris, the Centre Pompidou. It just happened that there was a Yayoi Kasuma exhibition on while I was there. Now, if you haven't heard of her, she's one of the most famous female Japanese artists and one of my personal favourite. A common theme of her work is obsessive repetition, and patterns, which of course creates a very striking subject for photography.

Anyhow, I managed to take some shots of her work in exhibition, capturing the public interaction with her work. I purposely tried to create a high speed film look through my processing as unfortunately I did not have my film cameras with me at the time.
I just hope I don't get sued by her or the Centre Pompidou's legal teams.


There's a rare appearance by yours truly in one of the photos, see if you can spot it. Answers on the back of a self addressed post card etc etc.

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