Monday 15 October 2012

Edinburgh Street Colour (15/10/2012)

More colour shots from Edinburgh... I hope that adds some colour to your Monday morning! Would I rather be in Edinburgh right now? Actually, no... it's too cold for me up there!

All photos were shot on the Olympus OM-D E-M5 + 14mm, 25mm and the 12-50mm lenses:


  1. Great streetshots here. Like them. Specially the guy in front of the old telephone box making it clear why they are disappearing from the streets. Only point they kept out street noises and rain thats something a mobile can not. Also the girl cleaning the pavement. She doesn't look to happy but just a part of life.

    1. Thanks S.C. It's sad but the red phone boxes are just a relic, nothing more than a tourist attraction these days.
      The girl was a hotel worker, and you're right, I can't imagine it's a fun job.
